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Salesforce Generate Key For Date Selected

Review the list below and visit Certificate and Key Management from Setup to make an update. SelfSignedCert08Mar2016214813, Self-Signed, expires on 3/8/2017. Warning: This certificate will expire in 60 day(s). Below is the certficate under Certificate and Key Management and I would like to know how to updated it and if I really needed it. Have a complete view of your customers, including activity history, key contacts, customer communications, and internal account discussions. Gain insights from popular social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube — right within Salesforce.

In PagerDuty (Cont.)

  1. Navigate to Configuration, select Extensions and click New Extension. Enter the following information:
  • Extension Type: Search and select Salesforce (OAuth Flow).
  • Name: Provide a name for this extension.
  • Service: Select which service this webhook should be tied to.
  • Consumer Key: Copy the Consumer Key from the Connected App screen in Salesforce Cloud and paste it in this field in PagerDuty.
  • Username: Enter the Salesforce Cloud Username of the user who will be sending webhooks from PagerDuty.
  • Salesforce Shared Key: Copy the shared key from the nameOfSharedKey.pem file you opened on your computer in earlier steps and paste the contents in here. It should look similar to the following, and you need to include the -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END PRIVATE KEY-----:

Salesforce Generate Key For Date Selected Data

-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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-----END PRIVATE KEY-----

  • Salesforce RestResource URL: This can be left blank if you are using the PagerDuty out-of-the-box integration. If building a custom integration, you can specify where the PagerDuty webhooks will be delivered.

Click Save to continue.

  1. If you would like to configure a connection between PagerDuty and multiple Salesforce Cloud objects in your account, continue to step 15 in the next section. If you are only using the integration with the Case object, skip to step 19.

Configure Connection Between PagerDuty and Salesforce Cloud Objects

  1. In Salesforce Cloud, click the cog icon, select Setup, click Objects and Fields in the left hand menu and select Object Manager.
  2. Click the Label name of the object on which you would like to create a trigger and click Triggers in the left hand menu. Click New on the right side of the screen.
  3. Enter the following text as a trigger body, replacing [SALESFORCE-OBJECT] with your Salesforce Cloud object:

Salesforce date method

Salesforce Date Format

trigger PagerDuty[SALESFORCE-OBJECT]Trigger on [SALESFORCE-OBJECT] (after insert, after update) { if (!System.isFuture() && !System.isBatch()) { String oldStr = JSON.serialize(Trigger.oldMap); String newStr = JSON.serialize(Trigger.newMap); if (!Test.isRunningTest()) pagerdutyinc.PagerDutyEngineLauncher.launchByTrigger(oldStr, newStr, Trigger.isInsert); }}

Salesforce Generate Key For Date Selected Free
